My name is Alissa. I am a life coach, intuitive guide and energy healer. It is my passion to guide people on their path of living a joyful soul-led life.

I live in the heart of Amsterdam together with my two daughters and our cat Charlie. I love Amsterdam as my home base. And I also love to travel to places where there is lots of nature, sunlight, ocean, and dolphins!

When people first get to know me, they often say that I am like a ‘Sunday Child’ or ‘born under lucky stars’. From the outside, it may look like I have an easy life and that somehow things just always go my way. It’s even said that I’m just like the lucky nephew of Donald Duck!

When you look at my life more closely, you’ll see that I’ve had my challenges in life. But the way I relate to them has changed over time.

I do admit that sometimes crazy lucky synchronicities show up in my life, seemingly out of nowhere. But if you look more closely, you may find that before it ‘just fell out of the sky’, something else happened: that I’ve been applying what I learned about working with energy and co-creating our reality.


Since 2012, I have been on an awakening journey. As I am realizing more and more, this is all about re-connecting with my true self. Increasingly experiencing the space to be myself. Including all aspects of me. In a way, I have been living my own workshop. As the saying goes: “We teach what we have to learn”. 

I used to see having my own challenges in this area as a weakness, but I’ve come to recognise it as a strength. That as I’m living, learning, and growing through these experiences, I’m integrating and embodying what I’m also meant to share. I accept that I am on this continuing journey. 

And it is my true joy to be a guide on that journey as well.



I was born in the center of Amsterdam. My parents had just moved to a huge old warehouse that they were transforming into a home.

High school

During the 90's in high school: I was looking out the windows of the classroom wondering what else was out there - in the Universe.

Education & first work experience

I studied law and for 12 years I worked as a corporate legal counsel.

Becoming a mother

My daughters were born. Enriching and life-affirming experiences AND the catalysts for my awakening process.

2008 & 2011
Starting on my quest

My journey of personal development started in January with a 12-week Mindfulness course. I had glimpses of remembering: about collective consciousness, expanded awareness, co-creating reality, and more... I started on my quest!

First Akashic Records Reading

I had my first Akashic Records Reading, which was like the Soul Blueprint reading, and I found that my life lessons include 'self-determination' and 'lightheartedness'.

Life-changing moment

While on holiday in the Açores, my then husband and I went with a boat trip on the Atlantic Ocean. When I saw dolphins swimming and playing in the waves, I suddenly had a 'mystical experience': this was a life-changing moment for me.

Learning and growing

Since 2012 I am devoted to learning and growing and making my contribution to the evolution of consciousness. I learned and practiced many modalities, starting with Mindfulness, Psych-K, Akashic Records, and ThetaHealing.

since 2012
First steps

I started giving coaching sessions and I organized my first group workshop: "Co-create with Life".

Staying calm in the eye of the storm

While I was in the middle of my divorce process, I was also suddenly catapulted out of my corporate legal job, which was both a shock and a liberation. My trust in life helped me to stay calm as I was standing in the eye of the storm.

Enjoy traveling - external & internal

I enjoy traveling - both in the external world and in the internal worlds - to explore, discover, experience, grow, learn, teach, and guide.

from 2016

highlights of my travels

I went on a retreat in Hawaii to expand my awareness with the themes Journey Into New Dimensions and Only Love is Real, combined with enjoying the beautiful nature and swimming with dolphins. When I fell down the stairs, I was surprised as two retreat participants revealed their true identity as plant medicine shamans and lovingly cared for my sprained ankle. They made creams with special leaves from the tropical forest. I recovered quickly and was inspired by how they used their natural healing abilities. 


I traveled to Costa Rica for a training in the healing method The Completion Process. To discover that there was actually another reason why I was meant to be right then and there: I was meeting like-minded and like-hearted people from around the world who felt like soul family; I made friends for life.


I was guided to go to Fuerteventura, and as a surprise found that it feels like home. A place where I am naturally 'in my element'; where I experience spaciousness and clarity. It became a place for me to share my work while enjoying the wonderful breezy island vibes and connecting with friends and dolphins - always something light to look forward to!


highlights of my experiences

When my children came into my life, in 2008 and 2011. In a way, my process of waking up started then. Although I wasn't so aware of it yet, what it meant exactly. But somehow I realized that a change within me was needed. Looking back, I would describe it as: I felt an urgency to transform myself into a more conscious parent, and thus a more conscious person. (books I highly recommend are: The Conscious Parent and the books on parenting by Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn)

2008 & 2011

Having a mystical experience, in 2012. From that moment, my life - and the way I experience life - would never be the same again. The dolphins in the Açores showed me the experience of oneness. And they also showed me a possibility: to live more as they do. Living the dolphin way while being human. There is a lightness and aliveness that gets uncovered when we connect with our true essence. I believe that as our awareness expands and we embody more light, this also contributes to the evolution of consciousness and helps to elevate the frequency on the planet. That combined effect brings me so much joy. It is my passion and it's what I love to share.

Would you like to know more about my journey, learning adventures, and crazy synchronicities?
You can hear all about it in the Soul-Led Living Podcast


My love and gratitude for dolphins is beyond what I can describe in words. It is a feeling. A deep feeling of joy, lightness, and “home”.

I believe that dolphins are here to help us make the transition to a new phase of consciousness on the planet. Through their way of being, dolphins remind us of our oneness, our interconnectedness, and the unconditional love that exists at all time.

In my work I connect with the energy of dolphins. This joyful, playful and loving energy helps us to raise the frequency and creates a space for powerful and easeful transformation to happen. “Love heals, joy transforms.”

When you are working with me, you are supporting the well-being of dolphins and whales. 10% of my revenues is donated to Whale and Dolphin Conservation, an organization that is dedicated to protecting the natural habitat of dolphins and whales.

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