There are many tools that help us master our energy. It all starts with the awareness. That what is happening in the energy world is effecting our day-to-day lives, and that it’s actually much easier and faster to change things at the level of energy.

Energy Mastery includes: energy healing, intuition, and all the techniques that we have available to us in the areas of grounding, light processes, and manifesting. Some fun tools that I like to teach are: choosing highest timelines, remote viewing, and creative visualisation.

A nice way to transform and replace unhelpful programs and outdated patterns, and to include the body in this process, is: “tapping”. In the sessions we can use EFT Tapping, and also another way of tapping: on the relevant energy points on the body. We replace the old unhelpful patterns and programs by installing and activating new helpful statements.

Energy Mastery is my playground. I apply all that I have learned over the years, and in a way it all comes together and is complemented with what I have learned in the Divine Light Energy Healers Academy.

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